Science 9- Cells Unit
Topics Covered in This Unit:
- Cell structure and organelles
- Chromosomes within the nucleus contain genes which store the information to make proteins
- Proteins control the activities of the cell
- Stages of the cell cycle
- Cellular division
- Asexual reproduction
- Sexual reproduction
- Pregnancy and human embryo development
Labs and Projects:
- Microscope labs (cells and organelles, mitosis, meiosis)
- Strawberry DNA extraction
- Genetic disease inquiry project and presentations
- Mitosis and meiosis flipbooks
- Starfish dissection
- Crayfish dissection
- “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” book project
Technology Used:
- Kahoot
- Quizlet
- YouTube
- Library databases
- Google draw, slides, sheets
Classroom Activities and Learning Strategies:
- Hands-on labs and demonstrations
- collaboration (think-pair-share, visibly random groups, collaborative work on non-permanent surfaces)
- stations
- graphic organizers (Freyer model, webs, decision trees) for new topics and guided notes
- G-suite
- activities for activation of prior knowledge (KWL)
- self-assessment and assessment of the core competencies
- triangulation of assessment (student interviews when projects are handed in)
Sample Lesson Plan:

Genetic Disease Artistic Presentation